
Can I get a freak'n product?

Last night I was looking at Rdio.com as a potential streaming service for music. Most of the time I end up using my tablet at work because my computer there seems to really dislike streaming music. I’d need to purchase the nearly a $10/Mon subscription to be able to use a device.

I was almost convinced that it was a good idea….

Then I started thinking about what else do I pay for and how much am I paying for it monthly…

  • Domains
  • DNS
  • ISP
  • Server
  • Flickr
  • Backup Plan
  • Cell Phone

There’s a long list of other services that I could easily pay for like:

  • Dynamic DNS
  • Music Services
  • VPN Services

When you start adding it all up it could easily reach the same cost as a car payment.  I know I have the tendency to be a bit cheap, but I’m getting a bit tired of “services.”  I think what I’ve listed above could really be anything but a service.  I guess what I’m trying to say is that there’s to much “SAAS” going on…just freak’n let me own something. What happened to the days when you could buy something and then 3 weeks later a new version is out and if you wanted it you’d have to buy the new version.  Honestly, I know what happened to those days. 

I’m just ranting and now I’m done.