
Learning by Doing...Using the Full Stack to Learn Web Development with Python

Nothing beats learning as you go. It’s amazing what you can accomplish in such a short period of time, if you can just break it all down into various chunks - really it’s a matter of tackling progressively challenging tasks. I say this because over the past year I’ve been working up my programming skills. It’s only until recently have I been impressed with my ability to create things having surpassed the awful lessons where I just printed out a bunch of cruft.

The odd part of learning on your own is you slowly have to incorporate other areas that weren’t in your scope originally. About a month and half ago I had the need for a web scrapper. It was a really really really great learning experience. I managed to gather a far better understanding of how HTML worked than I did before I started to build the scrapper. I also really made it as Object Oriented and reusable as possible. Truthfully I over engineered a single us web scrapper. I cut myself off when I started building out a configuration file. I’ve thought about pushing it out to Github for others.

Learning Front End Using Python:


> A Python Library for quickly screen scraping and searching the
> tree. [It was well documented and reasonable to work
> with.](http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/ "The best Django CMS")

Python 2.7

> I managed to make complicated enough to create Classes, Methods,
> and I/O - writing CSV files.


> I really shouldn't be telling you what this is. :-)

I’ve also started building another website for an upcoming life event. It’s been far less painless than it was trying to put this site together and it’s far more complicated. I was able to do it because I built the web scrapper. Since I’ve started on the site I’ve also managed to solve how I’d like to add portfolio to this particular site.

What I’ve been learning from a Backend Code using Python


> Thus far I've written a partially custom some template tags so
> customize a homepage which will drive some of interactivity to the
> site.


> I've continued to work with the
> [Mezzanine](http://mezzanine.jupo.org/) project. It's been
> offering just enough flexibility but is opinionated enough to keep
> me out of trouble. 

The actual reason I decided to write this post is that I’m going to now try to tackle this. Artist Suggest API